

Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure that uses small, sterilised needles to prick the skin. The purpose of this treatment is to generate new collagen and skin tissue to smooth, firm, and tone skin.

Microneedling may require some downtime (up to 12 hours). It’s considered safe for most people who are in overall good health. You can experience minor redness and irritation for a few days after the procedure. Microneedling is far more effective than at-home rollers.

  • Microneedling is the insertion of very fine, short, sterilised needles into the skin for rejuvenation. When the skin feels these pinpricks, your body will naturally rush to heal them, resulting in a plumped, more youthful appearance.

  • The minimally invasive treatment can be used all over the body—from scalp to ankles—to improve the appearance of scars, boost collagen, or encourage hair growth. Microneedling is also a standard treatment for fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage, and stretch marks.

  • Yes! We offer a one-off treatment for £55, however, we also offer a three treatment course for £145. These treatments will be performed 4 weeks apart.